
arcadegameroom| *ST Hetai: The company's major shareholders have a full understanding of the risk of withdrawal and are doing their best to respond actively

Tonghuashun (300033) Financial Research Center, May 09arcadegameroom, some investors asked *ST Hetai (002217) whether major shareholders and listed companies have other options other than promoting restructuring to deal with the current face value delisting riskarcadegameroom

The company replied, Hello, the company's major shareholders have a full understanding of the risk of withdrawal and are fully committed to actively responding. The company's management will continue to do a good job in operation and management, advance the current progress of pre-reorganization work, communicate well with investors, and enhance market recognition.

arcadegameroom| *ST Hetai: The company's major shareholders have a full understanding of the risk of withdrawal and are doing their best to respond actively
