

Newsletter summary

At 9: 00 a.m. on April 19, Xiaomi launched a 24-hour time-limited reconfiguration activity, which can be attended by non-original users. The purpose of this move is to meet the personalized needs of users and improve satisfaction. Market analysts are optimistic about the role of this activity in promoting Xiaomi's market share, and suggest that investors in the secondary market should pay attention to its market performance and grasp the opportunity of investment.


Text of news flash

Xiaomi Automobile will start a 24-hour time-limited reconfiguration activity at 9: 00 on April 19, which can be participated by non-original users.

At 9 a.m. on April 19, Xiaomi announced on its official Weibo that it would start a 24-hour reconfiguration activity. The event is aimed at non-original locked users and is carried out in Xiaomi Automobile APP.

This event provides a new focus for investors in the secondary market. The time-limited reconfiguration activity of Xiaomi car is designed to meet the individual needs of users and improve user satisfaction.

Market analysts believe that the event is expected to further boost Xiaomi's market share. Investors in the secondary market can take this opportunity to pay attention to the market performance of Xiaomi in order to better grasp the timing of investment.

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