
bingoblitzcommercial| Yiwu Rural Commercial Bank launched a 3.7% income wealth management product, which will help harvest wealth growth in 1-3 years!

[Yiwu Rural Commercial Bank launches low-and medium-risk financial productsbingoblitzcommercial, Performance benchmark 3bingoblitzcommercial.7%】

On April 14, 2024, Yiwu Rural Commercial Bank launched the 45th phase of "Fengshou·Xinfu" net worth RMB wealth management product in 2024. This product has medium to low risk levels, has a term of 1 to 3 years (inclusive), and is expected to expire on April 25, 2025.

bingoblitzcommercial| Yiwu Rural Commercial Bank launched a 3.7% income wealth management product, which will help harvest wealth growth in 1-3 years!

Investors can purchase this wealth management product in designated sales areas in Zhejiang Province and enjoy certain income protection.

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